• thoare.GONI.Osman.bangladesh (17 of 41).jpg


When people have looked at the images in this series they are often saddened by the circumstances of the survivors andof the hard ships they went through. When I photographed these individuals I also felt compassion but more strongly I felt admiration. These are not stories only about suffering. For me they are stories of inspiration. Each person I spoke to found within themselves the strength and courage to manage and escape from some very dire circumstances. Having spent time with each of them I marvel at the resilience of human beings to suffer much and still go on to creating rich and meaningful lives.

I have also come to realize that there are themes that runthrough these stories that transcend culture and geography. It struck home in Bangladesh where Dennis, a young man from the Netherlands, was helping me with the project.

After we interviewed Taslina, he said the circumstances of her entrapment were stories that he has experienced whilegrowing up, of the boyfriend who pretends to love the girl andthen sexually exploits her. He even said they have the name ‘dandy boy’ for guys like this.

The point is that people are manipulated and tricked into circumstances they do not choose in every country on this planet of ours. In Canada there are similar stories where people are tricked into coerced labour or sex work. Only the peace and wealth of our society prevent stories of childsoldiers or abduction for human organs.

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